Dear Anteaters, On October 28, 2020, students received the Chancellor’s reaffirmation of the Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment ( As the Chancellor stated, it is imperative that we act as a community to prevent sexual violence and sexual harassment, including stalking, relationship violence, and sexual assault, and to report it when it occurs. UCI recognizes that there are many barriers to coming forward and reporting an act of sexual violence. As Dean of Students, I am writing to make you aware of the following amnesty provisions related to reporting: As stated in the UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy (III. E. 1., page 10) and UCI Guidelines on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (D.5.a.), to encourage reporting, the University will not discipline Complainants or witnesses for student conduct policy violations that occur around the time of alleged Prohibited Conduct unless the University determines the violation was egregious. Complainants may be particularly afraid to report Prohibited Conduct when alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants were involved. This amnesty provision applies to alcohol- and drug-related student violations. Further, students may be afraid to report Prohibited Conduct if they were at a gathering in violation of current COVID-19 related University health directives or in any other way violated the University Executive Directive related to COVID-19. Thus, the UCI Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (OAISC) will provide amnesty to students who participate as a Complainant or witness in an investigation under the UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy ( or the UCI Guidelines on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (, and they will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for violations of University Executive Directives related to COVID-19, at or near the time of the incident, unless OAISC determines the violation was egregious, including, but not limited to, an action that intentionally placed the health and/or safety of other persons at risk (e.g. a student knowingly tested positive for COVID-19 and then exposed others). UCI is a community that does not tolerate sexual harassment, stalking, relationship violence, or sexual assault, and we strive to provide helpful information and resources if an incident occurs. Regardless of whether a student files a formal report, they have the right to receive supportive assistance including reasonable academic, workplace, transportation, or housing accommodations. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) ( (Title IX) can provide assistance with supportive measures and share information on students’ rights and options if they would like to report, including conducting alternative resolutions and administrative investigations. Students have the right to free, confidential support from the CARE Office ( CARE is the primary, confidential source for information, crisis intervention and follow-up support regarding sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship and family violence, and stalking. CARE coordinates accompaniment services for students to OEOD, the police, and off-campus to evidentiary exams and the court system. In addition, individual and group counseling is available to students. Thank you for your commitment and contribution to making UCI a safe and harassment-free space.
Rameen A. Talesh, Ed.D. |